Saturday, April 12, 2008

Low-Country Boil; BBQ Ribs

Went to the "welcome to the neighborhood" event for the Cyprus Street Pint and Plate. Free "Low Country Boil" and cheap beer specials.

The aforementioned boil. Mostly shrimp and taters, plus some corn on the cob. Not bad for free.

That night, decided that it was time to break out the BBQ and do some smokin'.

Mesquite-smoked ribs; probably about 3.5 hours in the smoke. I'm out of practice... didn't get a good strong smoke going so the penetration was a little weak despite the good external color. Ribs coated with some old dry rub that KB had given me over a year ago.

Also made some BBQ sauce from scratch. Made it slightly spicy by adding sriracha sauce to it.

Accompaniments. Green beans, baked beans, and some bad biscuits.

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