Very good price for dungeness crabs. I wish I had known of this shop when I lived in Seattle. (For comparison, the crabs at the fancier Asian supermarket Uwajimaya were selling for $5.99 per pound.)

Tank of abalone... these are expensive! (we didn't get any.)

Oyster shucking (dis)assembly line.

Ready to go!
My aunt makes this great dish where you take spot prawns, stick 'em in ice and booze, basically freeze and poison the shrimp with the alcohol, and them eat 'em raw.

The booze for the prawns.

The victims in ice and booze. Technically, most of the prawns are actually still alive (but barely since they'd be severely alcohol poisoned) when you eat them. You basically just use your hands to tear their heads off, peel the shell off their backs, dip them in some soy sauce and wasabi, and then it's good eats! Probably not good for the squeamish eaters out there.

Otoro sashimi, very thickly cut.

Table shot. Clockwise from top left: steamed spot prawns, sashimi plate, pork and mustard greens (for cold noodles), and the previously shown otoro sashimi.

Nat's first raw oyster ("tastes like ocean").
On the Sunday that we left, Sue, my brother and I visited Pike Place Market.

Nat ordering a taro flavored bubble milk tea.

In an Italian market, Nat found some kind of bitter-orange San Pelligrino that he had had some variety of in Italy. So he snagged two bottles.
Is that DeLaurenti?
Yup. Sue and I used to live two blocks south of there in the Harbor Steps apartment complex.
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